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When it comes to Java vs Python, both are the most popular and powerful programming languages for cross-platform app development.

These two programming languages have transformed the software industry to a whole new level, enabling software developers, programmers, and business enthusiasts looking for reliable hybrid app development using extensive libraries and powerful tools.

In this article, we will make a detailed comparison of Java vs Python, explore the key features, advantages, and disadvantages, and help you choose which one is better for your project needs.

Java vs Python, both programming languages are best known for their high efficiency, versatility, and automation capabilities to design and develop fully functional, robust, and scalable software applications that solve real-world problems more efficiently.

Both support cross-platform compatibility and offer the freedom to build functionality-rich software like never before. However, there are some advantages and disadvantages of both, including unique feature sets, capabilities, and powerful tools, making them different from each other. 

Are you a passionate programmer, professional individual, or business professional wondering what is the difference between Java vs Python, you have come to the right. Continue reading this blog further to understand a detailed comparison of Java vs Python.

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What is Python?

Python is a general-purpose, dynamically typed, and interpreted programming language popular for greater versatility, easy-to-read syntax, and extensive libraries. Python is the most suitable, high-level programming language that leverages advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to streamline and automate the development process. 

Python helps bridge the gap between low-level and high-level languages, which makes it the most preferred choice of software developers for various complex applications.

Difference between Java and Python

To help you understand the difference between Java and Python, here are the best examples of code written in both languages. In both languages, this basic function is called a “Hello World” program, which displays a message to a user.

Example of Java:

public class Thank {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.out.println(“Thanks for reading our post.”);



Example of Python:

print(“Thanks for reading our post.”)

Python is much easier to program than Java since it uses little punctuation but Java requires a lot of code, including a lot of punctuation for the output message “Thanks for reading our post.”

Key features of Java

The following are the key features of Java, including but not limited to: 

1. Object-Oriented

Java is an object-oriented programming language that offers powerful features like Data Hiding, Inheritance, and Data Encapsulation, making it the most suitable language for mapping real-world entities into objects and solving real-life problems.

2. Platform Independent

Since Java generates platform-independent bytecode, compiling code for a particular platform in Java is necessary. It is the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that interprets it.

3. Secure

Java offers high-end security solutions and helps developers design, develop, and build secure and tamper-free code using public-key encryption.

4. Multithreaded

Thanks to the powerful capabilities of Java that allow skilled software developers to perform several tasks at once.

5. High Performance

Java compiles bytecode to native machine code and offers next-level performance with Just In Time compilers, resulting in increased overall app performance. 

6. Distributed

The Java programming language is efficient for creating & managing applications in a distributed environment. It is therefore possible to save and access code on multiple machines simultaneously, making it easier to manage large projects using Remote Method Invocation.

Disadvantages of Java

Here are some disadvantages of Java: 

1. Slow Speed

Java consumes more energy than other native programming languages like C and C++. It takes more time to transform the code into machine language. Since JVM performs several functions at once, resulting in a slower performance of the program. 

2. No Backup feature

Storage is the primary function of Java, but it doesn’t contain any data backup. In light of this major flaw, users’ willingness to use the service plummets.

3. Poor GUI

Java shows poor performance when it comes to GUI. Java provides poor GUI which makes it difficult to build complex UI. Even though it offers various tools and frameworks, such as JavaFX, SWT, Swing, JSF, etc., to build GUI. However, these tools are not developed enough to build more complex GUIs than Python. 

4. More memory space needed

Java provides poor memory management, which consumes more memory space, unlike other programming languages like C and C++. It leverages a garbage collector, which impacts the overall performance of software applications.

Key features of Python

Python provides various key features, including but not limited to: 

1. Faster development

Python makes the process of writing and optimizing codes much faster, meaning that it takes fewer lines of code to get things done in no time, than other programming languages.  

2. Simple syntax

Python is intuitive because of its similarity to the English language. It is concise, which means it will require fewer lines of code to reach an intended result.

3. Easy to learn

This programming language is a more comfortable learning curve than Java. Beginners find it easy to use with its simple syntax and highly intuitive commands, providing a comprehensive range of educational materials.

4. Frameworks and libraries

Django and Flask are the most popular, reliable web app development frameworks, while Pytorch, Scikit Learn, and Tensorflow are go-to choices for machine learning. Python is best known for extensive libraries for data analysis, data science, and scientific computation applications.

Disadvantages of Python

Even though Python provides so many benefits, there are some drawbacks associated with Python:

1. Not compatible with multithreading 

One of the biggest disadvantages of Python is that it doesn’t support multithreading which significantly influences the performance of Python software. As a result of this, you can utilize the full power of modern CPUs.

2. Low database connectivity

Python’s capabilities regarding database access often lack efficiency and require additional modules, such as MySQL Connector Python or PyMySQL. Overall, it can hardly compete with the Database Connectivity API that is included in the Java Standard Edition platform.

3. Doesn’t support native mobile app development

This is a serious disadvantage, especially in the context of the “Java vs. Python” comparison. Mobile developers can still use Python with the help of specific libraries, such as PyQt, Kivy, and others. However, unlike Java, Python cannot be used for building native mobile applications. 

Now that you understand the basic key features of Java vs Python, including their pros and cons, let’s dive deeper into the detailed comparison.

Java vs Python: Detailed Comparison 

Both Java and Python offer various similarities, but there are some features and functionalities that make Java different from Python. 

Here is a detailed comparison of Java vs Python, including but not limited to: 

1. Performance

Python has become an extremely popular programming language due to its simplicity, easiness, and practicality. The best solution is probably Python when you have a short period. When it comes to development speed, Java cannot be compared to other programming languages. 

Larger development teams are often needed for Java projects because they tend to take longer. Python makes it possible to build an MVP (Minimum Viable Product) remarkably quickly. A Java MVP would most likely take months to build.

2. Community Support

There is a vibrant and active community of Python and Java users who support each other extensively. However, Python is more popular and offers a larger community due to its simplicity and beginner-friendliness. 

Fortunately, the Python community provides a wide range of online forums, tutorials, and resources that make it easy for beginners to get guidance and assistance when needed. While Java has a history that dates back decades, the community is well-established. 

Though there are many resources available, such as forums and websites, it may not be as beginner-friendly as the Python community.

3. Syntax and Readability

The Java programming language and Python have unique syntaxes that make them both ideal for web development. Nevertheless, each symbol is defined differently according to their rules. Combining the indentation style with Python’s abandonment of semicolons and brackets makes coding more readable. 

As a result of static typing, variables in Java are required to be declared. When hiring dedicated Java developers, you can create robust web applications, back-end code, and mobile applications using Android.

4. Database Connectivity

Using Java APIs, Java Database Connectivity connects databases and allows for easier querying and updating of information. In addition, Java Persistence API (JPA) enables object-relational mapping (ORM) between Java objects and databases.

Python supports a wide range of databases thanks to its numerous APIs & ORMs, including SQLAlchemy and Django. In Python code, the Python Database API (DB-API) makes it easier to connect to databases and build consistent interfaces for the backend.

5. Learning Curve

Python is best known for its simplicity and intuitiveness, making it an ideal programming language with an easy learning curve for beginners. On the other hand, Java is way more complex than Python but easier than other older programming languages like C++.

To get started with Java, learners must be skilled and experienced in knowing the basic programming principles as a whole. 

A lot of beginners choose Java as their first programming language since it requires significant effort and dedication compared to Python. However, both Java and Python offer various sources and documentation for learning courses, community forums, educational materials, and other sources to get useful information that makes learning easy and exciting.


The bottom line is that upon careful analysis of the languages used worldwide, it is not surprising that Python and Java rank highly. Unlike other programming languages, Python makes development easier and more practical because of its simplicity and practicality.

In terms of simplicity and readability, Python is the best choice for beginners and rapid development. On the other hand, Java is the best choice for large-scale applications because it has static typing and object-oriented features.

However, Java is not as user-friendly, but it offers exceptional stability and is an excellent way for developers to learn fundamental principles of computer science. Furthermore, Python programs tend to be shorter due to Python’s dynamic typing and its inbuilt high-level types as compared to Java programs. The choice of which one is best solely depends on your project needs, goals, and budget.

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Java or Python: which is better?

Java is more commonly used in the industry than Python, even though they both have their own advantages. However, Python is gaining popularity in the industry as AI and machine learning become increasingly prevalent.

Java vs Python, which is better for AI?

Python is the most preferred choice for many AI projects because it is flexible, simple to use, and has a rich ecosystem. However, Java is best known for providing scalability, robustness, and superior performance optimizations making it a compelling option for enterprise-level applications.

Can I use Java and Python together?

Yes, Java and Python can be used together. Python and Java can be integrated, offering seamless interaction and Rapid Application Development.

